
Spit on God and Stomp on the Bible

Gotta love how oh so many of us do this day in and day out and think we're ok. Isn't it beautiful? We're so high and mighty, because we know, we just know that we're a good Christ-like person, living a holy and near-perfect life as we hold that one little pet sin back. We say "God, you can have all of me, except this; I still want my temper, I still want my porn, I still want my hate, I still want to be judgmental, I still want my lying, I still want my stealing, I still want my envy, I still want to lead a double life, I still want ____ ((fill it in with whatever you keep holding back, cause you know danged well what it is)). I just don't get why God couldn't be blessed and honored by all of this? I mean, we're giving Him OUR absolute best, aren't we? Indeed we are, to bad if we're giving Him OUR best that WE scrounged up OURSELVES then we might as well use His feet as our toilet, since OUR "best" is about as repulsive. Way to go, you're crapping on God for all your worth.

"I once was blind, but now I just look away." - That's a line from As Cities Burn's song 'Thus From My Lips, By Yours, My Sin Is Purged'. Think about it for a minute. You used to be blind, lost in your sin, unsaved and hopeless, but God saw fit to call you to Him and save you and give you eternal life. So now you're no longer blind to God and spiritual things, instead, you just turn your head and stare away from where He wants you to go and what He has for you. You're "caught by the drift and pitch of whatever it is that keeps me coming back" ((another line from that ACB song)); You're living Demon Hunter's song "Coffin Builder" ((lyrics here: http://www.metrolyrics.com/coffin-builder-lyrics-demon-hunter.html)) You may want the victory over that one sin that beats you down and tears you apart day after day after day, no matter how much you love it; you might honestly want to be past it more than everything, so you try your hardest to get past it, you say "God, this time I'm going to get past it, this time I'll have the victory."

Woah woah, hold up there. That's the problem. This time "I'm" going to get past it, this time "I'll" have the victory. Phil 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me," but the inverse is also true, "I can do nothing through myself." If you think for even a moment that YOU can overcome this sin, you will fail. If you don't come crying to God and believe that only He can give you the strength you must have to get past the sin that weighs you down so that you can truly serve Him, then there's no point in trying to get past it. God is the ONLY way you'll get victory.

Why do we say we're holy and that we serve God when we're turning our heads from his direction every other minute? Why do we insist that we believe when virtually nothing we do serves to indicate that? If we're not going to listen to God and seek strength from Him to overcome these things, then we have no reason at all to even say that we're a Christian and might as well go become atheists. Got your 'Get Out Of Hell Free' card? Good for you, but you might wanna check and make sure you didn't just scribble some meaningless words on a piece of paper ((i.e., there's no prayer that saves you, it's faith and trust in the One True God that will grant you salvation, and even that faith and trust is only through Him [that's in a verse somewhere, "for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves...", sorry I don't know the reference right now.)).

I apologize for the crudeness to follow in this analogy, but I believe it's a fitting representation of how alot of us ((including myself, through this whole thing I've been screaming these things at myself as well; I don't even try to pretend that I'm anything better than anyone else, I know I'm just as horrible)) live our lives.

You have the most amazing spouse in the world. They are perfect--not a thing in them that is anything less. Having sex with them is both right and glorious to God in your marriage with them, and he/she wants that intimacy with you all the time. But, instead of that, you decide to walk down to the street corner and buy yourself a mud-caked, filthy, rotten prostitute to gain pleasure instead. And, notice this, you paid for that filth. Your spouse was free and would give you nothing but pleasure, but the pleasure you chose instead always has a price, and could very well have planted problems that will plague you for the rest of your days. Sounds like you've really messed up right? Well, get this, you do this day in and day out over and over.

That's what we do to God. We have the promise of amazing blessings beyond anything we could comprehend in Heaven one day; He's given us everything and will always be everything we ever need, yet we turn to our ugly, filthy sin and get ourselves involved with it again and again and again. And that sin ALWAYS comes with a price; sometimes it might take that price a little longer to surface, but it's still always there.

Honestly. We're pathetic; there's few, if any of us ((us being those who claim to be Christians)) that live how we should. There's no point or reason to holding on to these pet sins we like to keep for our pleasure. We're supposed to be new creatures; let God burn down all you were and walk away from it; stay close to God and you'll be too infatuated with His Awesomeness to think to turn back. You were once blind, but He healed your eyes, so look to Him instead of looking the other way.

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